1 | High-Precision Motion Detection and Tracking Based on Point Cloud Registration and Radius Search | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (一区 Top,IF:9.5),24(6):6322 - 6335 | 卓越期刊 | 1 |
2 | Strongly representative semantic-guided segmentation network for pancreatic and pancreatic tumors | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024,Volume 87, Part B: | 卓越期刊 | 通讯 |
3 | Point cloud registration and localization based on voxel plane features | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(SCI/EI,中科院一区TOP,IF:11.774),2022,188:363-379 | 卓越期刊 | 1 |
4 | Urban flood risk assessment based on DBSCAN and K-means clustering algorithm | GEOMATICS NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK,2023,14(1):2250527 | SCI期刊 | 1 |
5 | Multi-target segmentation of pancreas and pancreatic tumor based on fusion of attention mechanism | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control(SCI/EI,中科院二区,IF:5.0760),2023,79(2),104170 | 卓越期刊 | 通讯 |
6 | The perception, optimization strategies and prospects of outdoor thermal comfort in China: A review | Building and Environment(SCI/EI,中科院一区Top,IF:6.45 ), 2020, 170: 1-18 | 卓越期刊 | 1 |
7 | An improved daily standardized precipitation index dataset for mainland China from 1961 to 2018 | Scientific data(SCI, 中科院二区, IF:8.5),2022, 9(1):124 | 卓越期刊 | 通讯 |
8 | Ergonomic Assessment Method of Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders Associated with Sitting Postures | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Articial Intelligence, 2022, 36(9):2256017 (20 pages)(CCF C) | SCI | 1 |
9 | Three-Dimensional Dynamic Simulation System for Forest Surface Fire Spreading Prediction | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2018,32(08): 20-30(CCF C) | SCI | 1 |
10 | A Face Tracking Method in Videos Based on Convolutional Neural Networks | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2018,32(12): 31-38.(CCF C) | SCI | 2 |
11 | 亲缘关系约束下的青少年人脸年龄合成研究 | 计算机工程与应用(录用定稿)网络首发时间:2023-03-01, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/article/abstract?v=3uoqIhG8C45S0n9fL2suRadTyEVl2pW9UrhTDCdPD652m6Nu8km6WexrUbAW0zHCkh3-26QLJMGpZhh8OtiLFGoAWXOS0_G-&uniplatform=NZKPT | 二类核心 | 通讯 |
12 | 面向山地徒步应急救援路径规划的改进 蚁群算法研究 | 地球信息科学学报, 2023, 25(1),DOI:10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.220535 | EI期刊 | 通讯 |
13 | 面向深度学习的胰腺医学图像分割方法研究进展 | 小型微型计算机系统,2022,43(12):2591-2604.DOI:10.20009/j.cnki.21-1106/TP.2022-0120 | 一类核心 | 通讯 |
14 | 基于机器学习的森林火险预测模型 | 中国安全科学学报,2022, 32 (9): 152-157.(CSCD核心) | 一类核心 | 通讯 |
15 | 城市洪涝风险评估中的软件应用及进展 | 中国安全科学学报,2022, 32 (9): 118-125.(CSCD核心) | 一类核心 | 通讯 |
16 | 三维点云配准方法研究进展 | 中国图象图形学报,2022,27(02):349-367.(CSCD 核心) | 二类核心 | 1 |
17 | VR全景视频传输研究进展 | 计算机应用研究, 2022,39(6):1601-1607+1621(CSCD) | 二类核心 | 通讯 |
18 | 三维人体姿态估计研究综述 | 计算机工程与应用,2021,57(10):26-38.(CSCD) | 二类核心 | 通讯 |