夏岩,男,教授,博士生导师,1980年01月出生,研究生学历,博士学位, 福州大学旗山学者,福建省杰出青年基金获得者, 入选福建省百千万工程省级人选,新世纪优秀人才计划和福建省教育厅高校杰青培育计划,曾获得福建省青年科技奖,福建省五四青年奖章, 福建省优秀科技工作者称号。


2016.06-现在 福州大学物信学院应用物理系教授
2015.12-现在 福建省量子信息与量子光学重点实验室
2014.01-2015.01 Quantum Science and Technology Group,Stevens Institute of Technology, N.J., USA, Visiting Scholar, Supervisor: Prof. Ting Yu.
2013.06-现在 物理学专业 博士生导师
2012.07-2016.06 福州大学物信学院应用物理系副教授
2010.06-现在 物理学专业 硕士生导师
2009.10-2012.10 大连理工大学数学流动站 博士后,合作导师:侯中华教授
2009.07-2012.07 福州大学物信学院物理系量子光学实验室 副教授(校聘)
2009.07 博士毕业于大连理工大学理论物理专业,指导教师:宋鹤山教授


学术及社会兼职(Academic and social work)  
科研项目(Research project)  
科技论著(Scientific treatise)  
1Error-tolerant amplification and simulation of the Ultrastrong-coupling quantum tabi modelPhys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033603 (2024)顶级期刊通讯
2Flexible scheme for the implementation of nonadiabatic geometric quantum computationPhys. Rev. A (2020)SCI通讯
3Pulse reverse-engineering for controlling two-level quantum systemsPhys. Rev. A 101, 023822 (2020)SCI通讯
4Deterministic interconversions between the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states and the W states by invariant-based pulses designPhys. Rev. A 101, 012345 (2020)SCI通讯
5Effective Rabi dynamics of Rydberg atoms and robust high-fidelity quantum gates with a resonant amplitude-modulation fieldOpt. Lett. 45(5), 1200-1203 (2020) SCI其它
6Multi-qubit phase gate on multiple resonators mediated by a superconducting busOpt. Express 28(2/20) 1954 (2020)SCI其它
7Deterministic entanglement swapping in a superconducting circuitPhys. Rev. Lett. 123,060502 (2019)SCI其它
8Deterministic conversions between Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states and W states of spin qubits via Lie-transform-based inverse Hamiltonian engineeringPhys. Rev. A 100, 012332 (2019)SCI通讯
9Indirect light-matter interaction in dissipative coupled cavitiesOpt. Express 27(16), 22674-22684 (2019)SCI其它
10Robust and highly efficient discrimination of chiral molecules through three-mode parallel pathsPhys. Rev. A 100, 043413 (2019)SCI其它
11Quantum phase transitions triggered by a four-level atomic system in dissipative environmentsPhys. Rev. A 99, 043829 (2019)SCI其它
12Enhancement of coherent dipole coupling between two atoms via squeezing a cavity modePhys. Rev. A 99, 023833 (2019)SCI其它
13Unconventional geometric phase gate of transmon qubits with inverse Hamiltonian engineeringIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26(3),6700107 (2020)SCI通讯
14Entanglement creations and quantum gate implementations of spin qubits with Lyapunov control IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26(3), 6500107 (2019)SCI通讯
15Invariant-based inverse engineering for fluctuation transfer between membranes in an optomechanical cavity systemPhys. Rev. A 97, 023841 (2018)SCI通讯
16Accelerated and noise-resistant generation of high-fidelity steady-state entanglement with Rydberg atomsPhys. Rev. A 97,032328 (2018)SCI通讯
17Pulse design for multilevel systems by utilizing Lie transformsPhys. Rev. A 97, 033407 (2018)SCI通讯
18Nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation with blockade of Rydberg atomsPhys. Rev. A 97, 042336 (2018)SCI通讯
19One-step engineering many-atom NOON stateNew J. Phys.20, 093019 (2018)SCI其它
20Quantum state transfer in spin chains via shortcuts to adiabaticityPhys. Rev. A 97, 012333 (2018)SCI通讯
21Driving many distant atoms into high-fidelity steady state entanglement via Lyapunov controlOpt. Express 26(2), 951-962 (2018).SCI其它
22Implementing stabilizer codes in noisy environmentsPhys. Rev. A 96, 032336 (2017)SCI其它
23Coherent control in quantum open systems: A promising approach for accelerating dissipation-based quantum state generationPhys. Rev. A 96, 043853 (2017)SCI通讯
24Speeding up adiabatic passage by adding Lyapunov controlPhys. Rev. A 96, 033803 (2017)SCI通讯
25Fast quantum state engineering via universal SU(2) transformationPhys. Rev. A 96, 022314 (2017)SCI通讯
26Complete Bell-state analysis for superconducting-quantum-interference-device qubits with transitionless tracking algorithmPhys. Rev. A 96, 022304 (2017)SCI通讯
27Optimal shortcut approach based on an easy-to-get intermediate HamiltonianPhys. Rev. A 95, 062319 (2017).SCI通讯
28Generation of long-living entanglement between two distant three-level atoms in non-Opt. Express. 20(10), 10961 (2017).SCI其它
29Reverse engineering of a nonlossy adiabatic Hamiltonian for non-Hermitian systemsPhys. Rev. A 94, 053424(2016)SCI通讯
30Fast preparation of W states with superconducting quantum interference devices by usingPhys. Rev. A 94,052311 (2016)SCI通讯
31Improving the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage via dissipative quantum dynamicsOpt. Express. 24, 22847 (2016)SCI通讯
32Fast coherent manipulation of quantum states in open systemsOpt. Express. 24, 21674 (2016)SCI其它
33Method for constructing shortcuts to adiabaticity by a substitute of counterdiabatic driving termsPhys. Rev. A 93, 052109 (2016)SCI通讯
34Fast and noise resistant implementation of quantum phase gates and creation Phys. Rev. A 91, 012325 (2015)SCI通讯
35Efficient shortcuts to adiabatic passage for fast population transfer in multiparticle systemsPhys. Rev. A 89, 033856 (2014)SCI通讯
36Shortcuts to adiabatic passage for population transfer and maximum entanglement creationPhys. Rev. A 89, 022326 (2014)SCI通讯
37Direct conversion of a four atom W state to a GHZ state via a dissipative processPhys. Rev. A 88, 024305 (2013)SCI其它
38Dissipative preparation of multibody entanglement via quantum feedback controlPhys. Rev. A 86, 034303 (2012)SCI2
39Efficient hyperentangled GHZ states analysis with cross Kerr nonlinearityJ. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29, 1029 (2012)SCI1
40Effective quantum teleportation of an atomic state between two cavitiesJ. Appl. Phys. 109, 103111 (2011)SCI1
41Efficient creation of continuous variable entanglement for two atomic ensembles in coupled cavitiesPhys. Rev. A 83, 052309 (2011)SCI3
42Joint remote state preparation of a W type state via W type statesPhys. Lett. A 374, 4483 (2010)SCI通讯
43Generation of two mode squeezed states for two separated atomic ensembles via coupled cavitiesPhys. Rev. A 81, 015804 (2010)SCI3
44Quantum nodes for W state generation in noisy channelsPhys. Rev. A 78, 024302 (2008)SCI2
45Secure direct communication based on secret transmitting order of particlesPhys. Rev. A 73, 022338 (2006)SCI2
46One-step generation of cluster state by adiabatic passage in coupled cavitiesAppl. Phys. Lett.96, 071102 (2010)SCI2
47Linear optical protocol for preparation of N photon GHZ state with conventional photon detectorsAppl. Phys. Lett. 92, 021127 (2008)SCI1