2006.09-2010.06 福州大学(Fuzhou University) 应用物理学(Applied Physics) 学士(Bachelor of Science)
2010.09-2015.06 福州大学(Fuzhou University) 物理电子学(Physical Electronics) 博士(Doctor of Philosophy), 导师:郑仕标 教授(Supervisor: Professor Shibiao Zheng)
2015.08-2018.07 福州大学(Fuzhou University) 讲师(Lecturer)
2018.07-至今(Present) 福州大学(Fuzhou University) 副教授(Associate Professor)
研究方向:光学,量子光学与量子信息(Research Area: Optics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information)
科研项目(Research project)  
科技论著(Scientific treatise)  
1Squeezed-light-induced quantum phase transition in the Jaynes-Cummings modelPhysical Review A,2022SCI1
2Quantum phase transition and quench dynamics in the two-mode Rabi modelPHYSICAL REVIEW A,2021SCI1
3Ground state of a cross-cavity quantum Rabi modelJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical,2021SCI1
4A similarity of quantum phase transition and quench dynamics in the Dicke model beyond the thermodynamic limitEPJ Quantum Technology,2020SCI1
5Full-Stokes polarization imaging based on liquid crystal variable retarders and metallic nanograting arraysJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2020SCI通讯
6Coherent State Control to Recover Quantum Entanglement and CoherenceEntropy,2019SCI1
7Controlled hole burning for a cavity field with a single atomLaser Physics Letters,2018SCI通讯
8Quantum phase transition of polaritonic excitations in a multi-excitation coupled arrayInternational Journal of Theoretical Physics,2017SCI1
9Dynamics of entanglement in Jaynes-Cummings nodes with nonidentical qubit-field coupling strengthesEntropy(invited paper),2017SCI1
10Quantum phase transition and quench dynamics in the anisotropic Rabi modelPhysical Review A,2017SCI1
11Adiabatic approximation for the Rabi model with broken inversion symmetryJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical(Special issue invited paper),2017SCI1
12Ground state of an ultrastrongly coupled qubit-oscillator system with broken inversion symmetryPhysical Review A,2016SCI1
13Entanglement and quantum state transfer between two atoms trapped in two indirectly coupled cavitiesQuantum Information Processing,2016SCI通讯
14Distributed manipulation of two-qubit entanglement with coupled continuous variablesJournal of the Optical Society of America B,2015SCI1
15Preparation of two-qubit steady entanglement through driving a single qubitOptics Letters,2014SCI1
16Adiabatic approximation for three qubits ultrastrongly coupled to a harmonic oscillatorPhysical Review A,2014SCI1
17Ground state of the asymmetric Rabi model in the ultrastrong coupling regimeApplied Physics B,2014SCI1
18Engineering steady-state entanglement for two atoms held in separate cavities through laser coolingChinese Physics B,2014SCI1
19Entanglement generation for two coupled multi-excitation fields interacting with qubitsInternational Journal of Theoretical Physics,2014SCI1
20Ground state of three qubits coupled to a harmonic oscillator with ultrastrong couplingPhysical Review A,2013SCI1
21Cooling distant atoms into steady entanglement via coupled cavitiesQuantum Information and Computation,2013SCI1
22A distributed quantum phase gate via quantum Zeno dynamicsPhysica Scripta,2012SCI1
23Distributed entanglement induced by dissipative bosonic mediaEurophysics Letters,2012SCI1
24Distributed phase-covariant cloning with atomic ensembles via quantum Zeno dynamics The European Physical Journal D,2012SCI1
25Control of two-atom entanglement with two thermal fields in coupled cavitiesJournal of the Optical Society of America B,2012SCI1
26Steady-state entanglement for distant atoms by dissipation in coupled cavitiesPhysical Review A,2011SCI1
27Robust generation of a four-dimensional entangled state via quantum Zeno dynamicsJournal of Physics B,2011SCI1