2024.03–至今 福州大学 物理与信息工程学院 讲师
2020.04–2023.12 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 工学博士
2018.12–2019.12 福建省农村信用社联合社 三级技术员
2018.07–2018.10 厦门亿联网络技术股份有限公司 产品经理
2015.09–2018.06 东南大学电子科学与工程学院 工学硕士
2011.09–2015.06 福州大学物理信息与工程学院 工学学士

郭振钊,中共党员,籍贯:福建省泉州市。硕士以来至今,从事科学研究聚焦硅基片上微纳器件领域,包括高性能、高集成度以及可灵活拓展的片上模式调控机理机制的研究、器件/系统的设计、方案构建,逆向设计方法研究,应用于光互连、光计算系统与光电集成芯片的构建。在Photonics Research、IEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology、Optics Express、Optics Letters、Optics and Laser Technology、IEEE Photonics Technology Letters、Optics Communications、Journal of the Optical Society of America B、Optical Engineering等国际知名期刊上发表相关SCI学术论文22篇。其中以第一作者发表SCI论文11篇(中科院分区一区Top3篇,二区4篇,三区3篇,四区1篇),以共同第一作者发表中科院二区SCI论文3篇,1篇论文入选Photonics Research当期Editors’pick。

研究领域:聚焦多模硅光子学(Multimode Silicon Photonics),包括片上多重模式调控机制与方法、器件设计及系统的应用、逆向设计模式调控调控器件及其应用等方面。
科研项目(Research project)  
1511462高等学校青年教师科研启动基金 10万元福州大学2024.06-2026.05独立撰编写 
科技论著(Scientific treatise)  
1Ultracompact, polarization-independent, and highly scalable optical power splitting model employing fan-out bending metamaterialsPhotonics Research, 10(11), 2448-2459 (2022).SCI期刊1
2Ultracompact and Polarization-Independent On-Chip Mode Exchangers Enabled by Subwavelength Grating MetamaterialsIEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, Early Access, 2024 (doi: 10.1109/JLT.2024.3451234). SCI期刊1
3Compact, Scalable and Flexible Multi-Mode-Converting Model Employing Subwavelength GratingsIEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, 42(20), 7267-7281 (2024).SCI期刊1
4Ultracompact, Scalable and Flexible Multi-Order Mode Converter for TE0/TE1 Dual-Mode InputIEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(7), 2060-2071 (2022). SCI期刊1
5Compact and Flexible Mode-Order Converter Based on Mode Transitions Composed of Asymmetric Tapers and Subwavelength GratingsIEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(17), 5563-5572 (2021). SCI期刊1
6Silicon-Based Ultracompact TE-Pass/TM-Stop Power Divider Using Subwavelength Gratings Assisted With Segmented Hybrid Plasmonic Horizontal Slot Waveguides IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(19), 4329-4336 (2017).SCI期刊1
7Experimental demonstration of a flexible and high-performance mode-order converter using subwavelength grating metamaterialsOptics Express, 31(6), 10744-10757 (2023). SCI期刊1
8Ultracompact Silicon-Based Polarization Beam Splitter Using Subwavelength GratingsIEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(21), 1800-1803 (2017). SCI期刊1
9Ultracompact mode-order converting power splitter for mid-infrared wavelengths using an MMI coupler embedded with oblique subwavelength grating wires Optics Communications, 488, 126850 (2021). SCI期刊1
10Ultracompact TE0- and TE1-pass/TM0- and TM1-stop dual-mode polarizer for 1.55/2 µm dual-wavelength using silicon-based cross-like hybrid plasmonic waveguidesJournal of the Optical Society of America B, 37(12), 3604-3613 (2020). SCI期刊1
11Ultracompact silicon-based TE-pass power divider for 1.55/2 μm dual-wavelengthOptical Engineering, 59(9), 097103 (2020).SCI期刊1
12On-chip polarization-independent nanophotonics mode splitter and converter enabled by subwavelength metamaterialsThe Sixth International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C2023), July, 2023EI会议1
13All-silicon TM polarizer covering the 1260-1675 nm bandwidth using a band engineered subwavelength grating waveguideOptics Letters, 48(13), 3431-3434(2023). (共同一作)SCI期刊1
14Ultra-compact and polarization-insensitive silicon waveguide 3 × 3 star-crossing based on composite subwavelength grating metamaterialsOpt. Lett. 49(15), 4326-4329 (2024).(共同一作)SCI期刊1
15Compact and fabrication tolerant polarization insensitive mode-order converter for MDM systemsOptics & Laser Technology, 181, 111780 (2024). (共同一作)SCI期刊1
授权专利(Authorized patent)  